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4 commentaires
johandark 34

The art is amazing... but it´s a pitty that the text is so difficult to read...

johandark 27/03/2012 11:38:10   
Marlène 31

johandark a dit:The art is amazing... but it´s a pitty that the text is so difficult to read...

Thanks. Is it because of the font ?

Marlène 02/04/2012 13:11:03   
johandark 34

Marlène a dit:johandark a dit:The art is amazing... but it´s a pitty that the text is so difficult to read...

Thanks. Is it because of the font ?

It´s because you did not do any bubble. The font is good. But the overline the letters is not a really good idea... (and here in Amilova for translations is impossible).

A good idea would be doing by this way: http://www.flossandchaos.com/i...ne%20tut/20%20tones%20done.jpg

I hope it can help you

johandark 02/04/2012 13:17:08   
Marlène 31

johandark a dit:Marlène a dit:johandark a dit:The art is amazing... but it´s a pitty that the text is so difficult to read...

Thanks. Is it because of the font ?

It´s because you did not do any bubble. The font is good. But the overline the letters is not a really good idea... (and here in Amilova for translations is impossible).

A good idea would be doing by this way: http://www.flossandchaos.com/i...ne%20tut/20%20tones%20done.jpg

I hope it can help you

Thanks :-)
Indeed, in the French version, letters stand out against the background thanks to some blank outline. Doing this would be to much work for the translator, you're right.
If others tell us about this problem with the orginal version, we will think about a solution (and thanks for your link :-) )

Marlène 03/04/2012 11:11:05   
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Seeking Dracula

Seeking Dracula: couverture




Auteur : ,

Équipe :

Traduction par : Pehesse

Version originale: Français

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Thriller


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