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14 commentaires
johandark 34

Mmm... So complicated dialog for the strong Dwarf... haha.. he is not just protecting the Forest, he even protect the comic! amazing Dwarf jajaja

I will come here later to see if the issue is fixed

johandark 17/05/2011 17:13:30   
Yoruichi 1

lol there is not serious group that would like to adventure with a thief

Yoruichi 17/05/2011 19:11:22   
a name 1

Yoruichi a dit:lol there is not serious group that would like to adventure with a thief
They don't want a theif because they're a good alignment group. shrugs

a name 18/05/2011 05:25:33   
Diogenes Mota 8

a name a dit:Yoruichi a dit:lol there is not serious group that would like to adventure with a thief
They don't want a theif because they're a good alignment group. shrugs

Well thought. A thief who tries to rob adventures surely isn't of a good alignment.

Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 17:35:28   
ceco1 6

Yoruichi a dit:lol there is not serious group that would like to adventure with a thief
yeah, but this particular thief is a noob. No serious group will take a lame thief

ceco1 18/05/2011 15:26:20   
EpicMan 1

nice joke GG guys !

EpicMan 17/05/2011 20:44:16   
kenshiroz 1

"cheating on exams is not a crime"

kenshiroz 17/05/2011 21:14:10   
a100g60 1

Lol the grouped "NO" is very funny . Now Megane is a real member of the group .

a100g60 17/05/2011 22:17:41   
Cole 2

lol I am really liking this story so far. It's very humorous with a small bit of serious, enough to merit it substance. Good adventuring! And oh gosh, despite their resounding no, that quirky thief is coming along isn't he? xD

Cole 19/05/2011 07:50:08   
McLeod 15

Cole a dit:And oh gosh, despite their resounding no, that quirky thief is coming along isn't he? xD

I wanted the same... but turn the page... .

Very cool comic, and with colour looks amazing !

McLeod 23/05/2011 08:48:16   
Cole 2

McLeod a dit:Cole a dit:And oh gosh, despite their resounding no, that quirky thief is coming along isn't he? xD

I wanted the same... but turn the page... .

Very cool comic, and with colour looks amazing !
Haha ya. He might have made a fun contribution, but it is understandable to not have him along. He is quite the novice and a bit idiotic after all. xD

Cole 29/05/2011 11:46:52   
Ouroboros 28

Besides they already have a thief--

Stealth- check
Sneak Attack - (on anything as small as a mouse) check
Pick Pocket (uhm with the mistress it has--) check

all set. welcome to the group kitty cat.

Ouroboros 23/05/2011 23:44:02   
Diogenes Mota 8

Ouroboros a dit:Besides they already have a thief--

Stealth- check
Sneak Attack - (on anything as small as a mouse) check
Pick Pocket (uhm with the mistress it has--) check

all set. welcome to the group kitty cat.

Thinking outside the box, hein?

Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 17:36:10   
Diogenes Mota 8

Megane must be on the chaotic side of the alignment.

Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 17:36:43   
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