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6 commentaires
Saran 1

Do you plan on coloring all the the chapters or just this one? The coloring looks amazing btw.

Saran 07/06/2011 18:22:34   
TroyB 41

Saran a dit:Do you plan on coloring all the the chapters or just this one? The coloring looks amazing btw.

Everything will be coloured.
BUT we are working on "premium" accounts. And only premium accounts will have the possibility to switch between colour and black&white .

TroyB 08/06/2011 16:35:17   
XplosiX 2

TroyB a dit:Saran a dit:Do you plan on coloring all the the chapters or just this one? The coloring looks amazing btw.Everything will be coloured.BUT we are working on "premium" accounts. And only premium accounts will have the possibility to switch between colour and black&white .
And how does one get a premium account?

XplosiX 08/06/2011 21:27:58   
Ouroboros 28

burn the witch!

Ouroboros 09/06/2011 06:53:06   
Diogenes Mota 8

Why does everything have to be resolved through violence by the smartest(most likely) person in the group? Some kind of pun?

Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 22:15:57   
Cole 2

He just really wants to use his axe.

Cole 05/09/2011 03:02:22   
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