That's a very short story . Nice but short . Will there be others, is it the beginning of something ?
Yes, this is only the beginning. То be continued.
Nicetangra a dit:Yes, this is only the beginning. То be continued. Nice beginning, give me more...
More please :-(
Auteur : tangra
Équipe : Robot Panda, fikiri
Traduction par : fikiri
Version originale: Български
Type : Comics/BDs
Genre :
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That's a very short story
. Nice but short
. Will there be others, is it the beginning of something ?
Sool 27/03/2012 08:37:11Auteur
Yes, this is only the beginning. То be continued.
tangra 27/03/2012 11:55:48Nicetangra a dit:Yes, this is only the beginning. То be continued.
Mart 28/03/2012 15:09:18Nice beginning, give me more...
More please :-(
Pondy 08/07/2013 22:51:19