Note of the drawer: Pokemon have done much damage to the world, i have tried a thousand ways to draw that water attack without it looking like some aquatic pokemon, and probably i failed, cause i dont know even half of the pokemons :p
Anyways i think no matter ho i draw the monsters in this comic, the moment they launch some attack someone will see them as pokemons.
Guildadventure02/05/2012 21:01:34
nah pokemons no way pokemon could have chicks this hot, free urself and draw.
Re-al Boss24/07/2013 05:22:36
31 Auteur
you would be surprised how many pokemon hentai exist xD
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Note of the drawer: Pokemon have done much damage to the world, i have tried a thousand ways to draw that water attack without it looking like some aquatic pokemon, and probably i failed, cause i dont know even half of the pokemons :p
Guildadventure 02/05/2012 21:01:34Anyways i think no matter ho i draw the monsters in this comic, the moment they launch some attack someone will see them as pokemons.
nah pokemons no way pokemon could have chicks this hot, free urself and draw.
Re-al Boss 24/07/2013 05:22:36Auteur
you would be surprised how many pokemon hentai exist xD
Guildadventure 24/07/2013 20:54:52