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4814 vues
7 commentaires
Guildadventure 31

It was about time for the Reika and Leika hour XD

This time with their particular vision of the avengers movie, i had a hard time deciding the jokes for Reika, cause that movie have so many things to ridiculize XD, in the end i chosed her to charge against some of the characters

and loki rulz

Guildadventure 03/06/2012 19:03:11   
lig47 8

"Why do i have you in this team?" "I have boobs" i am dying here lol xD

lig47 13/12/2012 14:51:32   
Guildadventure 31

More or less is the real reason in the movie XD

Guildadventure 13/12/2012 15:51:03   
McLeod 15

lol me too

McLeod 13/12/2012 18:29:53   
lig47 8

Leika smashes!!!! xD

lig47 13/12/2012 21:44:04   
Kojiro 1

That's Nick fury from the ultimate universe

Kojiro 31/03/2013 03:08:43   
Guildadventure 31

yeah, i know, but that's one reason cause i dislike him. More tha 50 years of a white baddass nick fury, one year of a paralel universe in wich he's a black tactician, and they choose the later for the movies...

so, for me, thats's not nick fury

Guildadventure 31/03/2013 04:02:13   
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Guild Adventure

Guild Adventure: couverture




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Version originale: Español

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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