Anecdotic info, Zarathustra is a fictional character created by Nietzsche for his book "Also Sprach Zarathustra", inspired in the persian prophet Zoroastra (who realy existed and created the zoroastrism). He also appeared in the videogame Xenosaga in the 3rd game wich have the same name as the book (all the saga is greatly inspired by nietzsche)
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Anecdotic info, Zarathustra is a fictional character created by Nietzsche for his book "Also Sprach Zarathustra", inspired in the persian prophet Zoroastra (who realy existed and created the zoroastrism). He also appeared in the videogame Xenosaga in the 3rd game wich have the same name as the book (all the saga is greatly inspired by nietzsche)
Guildadventure 05/06/2012 15:41:27