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7408 vues
10 commentaires
phxjoker88 1

Great Story, Great Artwork, I can't wait to read the next chapter

phxjoker88 15/07/2012 21:39:39   
nilanandita 3

phxjoker88 a dit:Great Story, Great Artwork, I can't wait to read the next chapter
thank you so much

nilanandita 18/07/2012 11:59:05   
Monica Fiori 1

amazing! i loved it =)
need the next chapter O.o

Monica Fiori 08/08/2012 23:41:18   
nilanandita 3

Monica Fiori a dit:amazing! i loved it =)
need the next chapter O.o

thank you, new chapter has been added. hope you like it

nilanandita 16/08/2012 07:08:44   
freewolf 8

love it!

freewolf 15/08/2012 20:53:44   
nilanandita 3

freewolf a dit:love it!
thank you

nilanandita 16/08/2012 07:08:57   
gaarasmiling 1

awesome!! Love it!

gaarasmiling 17/08/2012 01:39:54   
nilanandita 3

gaarasmiling a dit:awesome!! Love it!
thank you

nilanandita 29/08/2012 06:50:41   
RushBreaker 1

wow amazing ^v^

RushBreaker 15/03/2013 22:47:17   
nilanandita 3

thank you

nilanandita 18/03/2013 09:42:10   
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Gangsta and Paradise

Gangsta and Paradise: couverture




Auteur :

Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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