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2 commentaires
christian thailande 3

well done!
thank you as much
for nice drawings as the compulsive reading.
I like it

christian thailande 24/06/2014 16:51:38   
Momin 1

"Talk drawing" isn't a widely recognized term, but it might refer to one of the following concepts depending on the context:

1. *Visual Notetaking or Sketchnoting*:
This is the practice of creating visual representations of spoken content during a presentation or meeting. It combines text, drawings, and symbols to summarize and highlight key points.

2. *Collaborative Drawing During Discussions*:
In brainstorming sessions or meetings, participants might create diagrams, sketches, or drawings to visually represent ideas and facilitate better understanding.

3. *Interactive Presentation Tool*:
Some tools or apps allow presenters to draw in real time during talks to illustrate concepts dynamically, such as using a whiteboard or digital platform.

4. *Artistic Expression During Conversations*:
It might also refer to drawing as a form of communication during informal discussions or storytelling, especially in educational or therapeutic settings.

If this is related to a specific event, tool, or practice, feel free to clarify for a more tailored explanation!

Momin 25/12/2024 10:26:30   
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Traduction par : tze

Version originale: English

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Action

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