Héhé Akuma is a sissy ! What a weak bodyguard !
jajaja... it´s possible....
Thats not extremely true different people respond to things differently..
Not so tough, after all, hé ? At least, Agent Jameson have some guts ^^
wow for someone named akuma, you'd think she'd be used to stuff like that by now
mcgrnwlf a dit:wow for someone named akuma, you'd think she'd be used to stuff like that by now JEJE... time by time... it´s her first time! jaja
Loved the scientific explanation though.
Auteur : johandark
Équipe : MROscar, Cap. AR!, oogamishiguma, Byabya~~♥, Smiley, evajung, sunpath, abby19, Bardock, Nico 13, lysgris, SAM_KYXA
Traduction par : evajung
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi
Type : manga
Genre : Fantasy - SF
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Héhé Akuma is a sissy ! What a weak bodyguard !
TroyB 01/06/2011 19:48:17Auteur
jajaja... it´s possible....
johandark 02/06/2011 03:49:12Thats not extremely true different people respond to things differently..
Gothic Angel 21/07/2014 18:28:39Not so tough, after all, hé ?
Meumeujeu 03/06/2011 02:04:36At least, Agent Jameson have some guts ^^
wow for someone named akuma, you'd think she'd be used to stuff like that by now
mcgrnwlf 29/09/2011 03:28:56Auteur
mcgrnwlf a dit:wow for someone named akuma, you'd think she'd be used to stuff like that by now
johandark 29/09/2011 14:28:52JEJE... time by time... it´s her first time! jaja
Loved the scientific explanation though.
Gothic Angel 21/07/2014 18:30:18