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ceco1 6

yey, vampires!

ceco1 09/06/2011 08:11:19   
TroyB 41

She has a reflection in the mirror ! I was so sure she was a vampire !

TroyB 09/06/2011 11:17:42   
ceco1 6

TroyB a dit:She has a reflection in the mirror ! I was so sure she was a vampire !
depending of the version (Anne Rice), the vampires can have reflection
But a vampire with such weak stomach, its not possible to exist :|

ceco1 09/06/2011 11:39:02   
Gothic Angel 3

Yeh True!

Gothic Angel 21/07/2014 18:34:58   
johandark 34

THink about that... Only vampires who exist without a phisical body can be transparent on the mirror.

But it´s true about vampires, is that in old photos all her faces and bodies were blurred, so their faces could not be possible been seen in a photograph.

That´s because in old photos one of the things used to make the magician of the photography was the silver. And silver with light are really bad for vampires, and it could not take good picture of a damned creature.

For the rest is just complicated to answer.

(is she a vampire... humm... don´t know...)...

johandark 09/06/2011 11:45:41   
lysgris 8

i don't think she's a vampire , i see her like a dark elve or something? I mean , she's called "Akuma" and i guess everyone knows what it means( Metsu HA-DO-KEN)

lysgris 09/06/2011 12:00:46   
Gothic Angel 3

Yes my first impression of her was that she was a Japanese elf.

Gothic Angel 21/07/2014 18:37:00   
Meumeujeu 9

I think Jameson has awakening some kind of vampire back there. My god, it would be so funny if the bloodsucker is Lucard ^^

Meumeujeu 09/06/2011 20:55:45   
ceco1 6

Meumeujeu a dit:I think Jameson has awakening some kind of vampire back there. My god, it would be so funny if the bloodsucker is Lucard ^^
but this will be the end of the comic then - Jameson will die
EDIT: aaa, I read Alucard instead of lucard

ceco1 10/06/2011 08:05:21   
Gothic Angel 3

VAMPIRES!!!! Awesome! love you Johandark!

Gothic Angel 21/07/2014 18:34:19   

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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : evajung

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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