Auteur : piratesourcil
Équipe : ]o.OshadowO.o[
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi
Type : Comics/BDs
Genre : Humour
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First for me! Happy to see this page^^
Ax-kun 26/05/2011 22:19:22Ax-kun a dit:First for me! Happy to see this page^^
ceco1 27/05/2011 08:25:39good job!
ceco1 a dit:Ax-kun a dit:First for me! Happy to see this page^^
Ax-kun 27/05/2011 10:09:23good job!
Congratulations Ax-Kun for starting all this editing/translating/photoshoping job !
!!! Hope he'll be happy
TroyB 27/05/2011 08:01:48A lot of new readers for Piratesourcil, a whole new world
TroyB a dit:Congratulations Ax-Kun for starting all this editing/translating/photoshoping job ! <BR>A lot of new readers for Piratesourcil, a whole new world
!!! Hope he'll be happy
piratesourcil 27/05/2011 08:07:24Yes i am ! muhaha
Loool it starts really well!
FMA 27/05/2011 09:15:20"You make stories on nothing!" ahah
joejunker 27/05/2011 11:37:55Poor guy! lol
Naruto 27/05/2011 14:29:46Niiiiiice!
KakarottoSSJ6 27/05/2011 17:12:10Keep on! I want more
Terminator 27/05/2011 19:19:46I guess we can expect a great comic after this page!
zebekenio 27/05/2011 21:26:53Good start!
Renji 27/05/2011 23:40:33More more more more
Yoruichi 28/05/2011 09:12:32Nice job!
Hitsugaya 28/05/2011 12:01:58I love the drawings!
Sakurazu 28/05/2011 14:04:09Cool stuff indeed
Sandy 28/05/2011 16:59:42LOL, I just noticed that Renji, Yoruichi and Hitsugaya all commented in a row. Odd, yes?
Mesfyel 04/12/2011 23:17:45So I registered logged in, signed out, reloged in and I still get this "only members can read these types of comics" message. wtf ?
zefurryone 26/08/2012 21:51:16