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1 commentaires
Riff 13 1

OK...So we've finally done with talking heads in the bar. Now we get to see talking heads elsewhere. LOL

Damn writer...he needs to come up with more action, I'm having to work my ass off trying to make these talking head pages visually interesting.

In all honestly though, I'm pretty pleased with the way I've laid out these pages. it would have been very easy to fall into the talking heads trap. I like to think I've made the pages interesting to look at, at least i think they're interesting to look at.

Riff 13 15/06/2012 03:59:55   
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Abducting The Aliens

Abducting The Aliens: couverture




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Version originale: English

Rythme de publication: Lundi

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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