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Riff 13 1

And there's the planet killing asteroid impact! How's that for a plot twist? I bet you never saw that one coming did you?

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

It's funny though. I know a lot of people, one in particular, who never get past the first chapter of their story. They just do the first chapter and them more on or rework it, but they never develop the story beyond the first chapter.

I get it! You start a story and you're so excited about it, and that carries you though the first chapter, and then as you work on it, no matter how much you love you story, you find out that this takes work!

What the hell? You mean this doesn't just magically appear? I think Cullen Bunn said it best at his panel at Staple! a couple of weeks ago. He said something about enjoying the plotting and prepping, and the finished product, but then there's the part that you spend actually working on it.

It's fun but it's still work. I can understand that. I'm trying not to fall into that trap myself.

Riff 13 15/06/2012 04:05:49   
eta235 1

everyone saw that twist coming. It's cliche but cliche stories make good stories... that's why there cliche lol

eta235 07/08/2013 21:45:06   
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Abducting The Aliens

Abducting The Aliens: couverture




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Version originale: English

Rythme de publication: Lundi

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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