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8 commentaires
death_cookie 4

So Jameson is a small Cthulhu?

death_cookie 26/06/2012 08:28:26   
Jesus4U 6

We don't know if he has finished his transformation just yet.
Besides, they don't know if him being 10km tall is correct, that bit of data could be wrong.

Heck, he could be an Avatar of Cthulhu, and still be Cthulhu.

Jesus4U 26/06/2012 09:49:20   
johandark 34

Jesus4U a dit:We don't know if he has finished his transformation just yet.
Besides, they don't know if him being 10km tall is correct, that bit of data could be wrong.

Heck, he could be an Avatar of Cthulhu, and still be Cthulhu.

Good point of view

johandark 26/06/2012 10:18:56   
death_cookie 4

johandark a dit:Jesus4U a dit:We don't know if he has finished his transformation just yet.
Besides, they don't know if him being 10km tall is correct, that bit of data could be wrong.

Heck, he could be an Avatar of Cthulhu, and still be Cthulhu.

Good point of view

Being mysterious ? good because it wouldn't be interesting

death_cookie 26/06/2012 17:40:24   
BloodlinePez 1

Damnit! gota wait 3 days for next page :P ffffuuuuuuuuu

BloodlinePez 11/11/2012 00:59:01   
rocker305 1

I can't wait for Ch.11

rocker305 03/12/2012 05:07:59   
shicajacs 2

Why only chapter 11 is for pay?

shicajacs 03/12/2012 11:46:39   
RosanaG0927 1

I didn't expect Jameson to be Cthulhu, that's awesome.

RosanaG0927 20/12/2013 21:24:42   
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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : evajung

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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