I must to see the rest! this manga really exciting!!! ^^
OMG!! This is really exiting i have to read the rest of it XD
Yeah, just be patient The translation is more longer than I thought xb
Keiden a dit:Yeah, just be patient The translation is more longer than I thought xb Cool I hope you continue the translation
Keiden a dit:Yeah, just be patient The translation is more longer than I thought xb Well, it's apprechiated, so please don't stop with it.
Jesus4U a dit:Keiden a dit:Yeah, just be patient The translation is more longer than I thought xb Well, it's apprechiated, so please don't stop with it. True true, keep it up !
i <3 this try to make it faster plzzz
I loe it! ^.^ I hope you make more of the story soon!
i love this book it made me make my own profile so i wont miss a chapter :3
haha, I try to translate quickly so please, be patient
Keiden a dit:haha, I try to translate quickly so please, be patient Fans can't be patient :-D !
TroyB a dit:Keiden a dit:haha, I try to translate quickly so please, be patient Fans can't be patient :-D ! No we can't !
omg i love this!! i wonder wht will happen next, im lookin forward!^^
OMG !!!
must read more !!!!!!!!!!!!
Auteur : Keiden
Équipe : Isaae
Traduction par : Isaae
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre : Yaoi - Boys love
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I must to see the rest! this manga really exciting!!! ^^
Lucy :D 26/06/2012 08:00:10
OMG!! This is really exiting i have to read the rest of it XD
CHIQUIS 13/07/2012 05:48:08Auteur
Yeah, just be patient The translation is more longer than I thought xb
Keiden 14/07/2012 12:00:46Keiden a dit:Yeah, just be patient The translation is more longer than I thought xb
McLeod 24/09/2012 18:14:02Cool I hope you continue the translation
Keiden a dit:Yeah, just be patient The translation is more longer than I thought xb
Jesus4U 05/10/2012 10:27:31Well, it's apprechiated, so please don't stop with it.
Jesus4U a dit:Keiden a dit:Yeah, just be patient The translation is more longer than I thought xb
True true, keep it up
TroyB 05/10/2012 10:31:09Well, it's apprechiated, so please don't stop with it.
i <3 this try to make it faster plzzz
jazzy_girl 18/02/2013 20:29:47I loe it! ^.^ I hope you make more of the story soon!
Ashk3nnna 22/09/2012 01:04:25i love this book it made me make my own profile so i wont miss a chapter
Dany Blue 27/09/2012 06:11:37Auteur
haha, I try to translate quickly so please, be patient
Keiden 29/09/2012 09:53:50Keiden a dit:haha, I try to translate quickly so please, be patient
TroyB 04/10/2012 18:29:29Fans can't be patient :-D !
TroyB a dit:Keiden a dit:haha, I try to translate quickly so please, be patient
Jesus4U 05/10/2012 10:27:46Fans can't be patient :-D !
No we can't !
omg i love this!! i wonder wht will happen next, im lookin forward!^^
emmy-chan 13/10/2012 18:02:38<3
zero3744 27/10/2012 01:09:50OMG !!!
midnighsn69 04/01/2013 00:39:58<3
Arana 28/02/2013 18:30:47must read more !!!!!!!!!!!!
animewatcher 18/06/2013 19:56:06