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3237 vues
4 commentaires
studio.takoyaki 32

Your sceneries are just wonderfull.

studio.takoyaki 24/09/2011 11:23:05   
johandark 34

studio.takoyaki a dit:Your sceneries are just wonderfull.

Thanks! The problem about this one... is that the story goes really slow... So i had to decide or arkham or Dark Heroes... and well... after the competition of amilova i will decide but.. for now i´m with arkham ^^

johandark 24/09/2011 11:25:19   
studio.takoyaki 32

johandark a dit:studio.takoyaki a dit:Your sceneries are just wonderfull.

Thanks! The problem about this one... is that the story goes really slow... So i had to decide or arkham or Dark Heroes... and well... after the competition of amilova i will decide but.. for now i´m with arkham ^^

Yep I rode your topic. It's hard to say because I prefer the graphism of dark heroes (remind me berserk sometimes) but Arkham seems to have a deeper scenario.

studio.takoyaki 24/09/2011 11:29:02   
johandark 34

studio.takoyaki a dit:johandark a dit:studio.takoyaki a dit:Your sceneries are just wonderfull.

Thanks! The problem about this one... is that the story goes really slow... So i had to decide or arkham or Dark Heroes... and well... after the competition of amilova i will decide but.. for now i´m with arkham ^^

Yep I rode your topic. It's hard to say because I prefer the graphism of dark heroes (remind me berserk sometimes) but Arkham seems to have a deeper scenario.

Well in fact... the problem of Dark Heroes.. is that the "scenario" doesn´t started yet... And there more than 30 pages!! xDD (the good point is that reading them is really fast... so the reader would not notice so many pages in fact... But me the artist... Yes... i notice it!) xD

johandark 24/09/2011 12:28:33   
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Dark Heroes_2010

Dark Heroes_2010: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : ,

Traduction par : johandark

Version originale: Español

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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