Poor Rago, hes interrupted even in emotional moments XD
This creature have some story. Playing Persona games time ago i fought a random monster wich was some insect with a helmet shaped horn. Later desining mount and labor creatures for GA i remembered it and i had the idea to create a giant beetle that have a helmet in its horn. The reasons of why you will see soon
And this new characters...they will surprise you in the next pages XD
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Poor Rago, hes interrupted even in emotional moments XD

Guildadventure 16/06/2012 01:59:39This creature have some story. Playing Persona games time ago i fought a random monster wich was some insect with a helmet shaped horn. Later desining mount and labor creatures for GA i remembered it and i had the idea to create a giant beetle that have a helmet in its horn. The reasons of why you will see soon
And this new characters...they will surprise you in the next pages XD