Note for translation: In Spanish and Japanese are two verbs for the verb "to be". In English there is only one word for both. I used "BE" badly made because in japanese there is a verb to indicate animate things and other verb to indicate inanimated things.
Rambam04/10/2012 13:09:20
Rambam a dit:Note for translation: In Spanish and Japanese are two verbs for the verb "to be". In English there is only one word for both. I used "BE" badly made because in japanese there is a verb to indicate animate things and other verb to indicate inanimated things.
Thanks for the information . Great job by the way .
McLeod04/10/2012 17:56:11
McLeod a dit:Rambam a dit:Note for translation: In Spanish and Japanese are two verbs for the verb "to be". In English there is only one word for both. I used "BE" badly made because in japanese there is a verb to indicate animate things and other verb to indicate inanimated things.
Thanks for the information . Great job by the way .
If thinks the traduction needs correction in any part, be free to correct and I vote the translation (My english is very basic ^^U)
Thanks for coment, the author will became very happy
Rambam04/10/2012 20:42:56
Wow smashing page ! The skull is very nicely drawn !!!
Naokatsu04/10/2012 18:01:41
great art!
confused (to be)? is = singular. are = (more than one) plural
master (one) masters (more than one) makes proofing difficult.
I do not change a person's work.
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Note for translation: In Spanish and Japanese are two verbs for the verb "to be". In English there is only one word for both. I used "BE" badly made because in japanese there is a verb to indicate animate things and other verb to indicate inanimated things.
Rambam 04/10/2012 13:09:20Rambam a dit:Note for translation: In Spanish and Japanese are two verbs for the verb "to be". In English there is only one word for both. I used "BE" badly made because in japanese there is a verb to indicate animate things and other verb to indicate inanimated things.
. Great job by the way
McLeod 04/10/2012 17:56:11Thanks for the information
McLeod a dit:Rambam a dit:Note for translation: In Spanish and Japanese are two verbs for the verb "to be". In English there is only one word for both. I used "BE" badly made because in japanese there is a verb to indicate animate things and other verb to indicate inanimated things.
. Great job by the way
Rambam 04/10/2012 20:42:56Thanks for the information
If thinks the traduction needs correction in any part, be free to correct and I vote the translation (My english is very basic ^^U)
Thanks for coment, the author will became very happy
Wow smashing page ! The skull is very nicely drawn !!!
Naokatsu 04/10/2012 18:01:41great art!
forbes 07/11/2012 22:36:26confused (to be)? is = singular. are = (more than one) plural
master (one) masters (more than one) makes proofing difficult.
I do not change a person's work.