Rock 'n' Roll Jungle
par phoentra20, Blackheart
Rock 'n' Roll Jungle, course effrénée au survivalisme, au courage et à l'auto-dégénération, est sans conteste l'émission de télévision la plus populaire de l'histoire. Et pour cause !...
Pages: 261
Mise à jour: 17févr.
final flash!!!
mangamany 13/07/2012 04:52:33i really like this comic
mangamany 13/07/2012 05:00:16youre really good.
also about the previous comment: this attack just reminds of vegetas final flash
mangamany a dit:i really like this comic
I agree, great comic. although I'm more for a dark kamehameha, myself
KenB 30/07/2012 06:25:29youre really good.
also about the previous comment: this attack just reminds of vegetas final flash
Agree man a kamehameha is more similar to this for me too
Manphu 20/04/2014 20:48:22