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3748 vues
4 commentaires
Meumeujeu 9

Hum ... Why did they have more strips in the french version ?

(yeah, I know, I'm french ... but I'd prefer to read your comics in theyr original language, that's a choice, and a token of respect to your work, nah ! ^^)

Meumeujeu 27/06/2011 09:26:43   
johandark 34

Solved... It was an stupid problem of just pressing a button xD Thanks to remember me this.

BTW I´m glad that you prefer read my original language... but if that was the case... it´s Spanish... not English (I´m from Barcelona).

Thanks for your comment

P.D. but one thing is clear... if you comment me in english I will understand you much more better in english than in french xD

johandark 27/06/2011 09:48:04   
Meumeujeu 9

johandark a dit:Solved... It was an stupid problem of just pressing a button xD Thanks to remember me this.

BTW I´m glad that you prefer read my original language... but if that was the case... it´s Spanish... not English (I´m from Barcelona).

Thanks for your comment

P.D. but one thing is clear... if you comment me in english I will understand you much more better in english than in french xD

Ha ... shame on me ...

The thing is, I don't understand a single word of spanish ^^ So I'm gonna continue to pay my respect in my (bad) english !

Meumeujeu 27/06/2011 15:06:33   
johandark 34

it will be much grateful

johandark 27/06/2011 18:29:55   
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LUKARD, the little vampire

LUKARD, the little vampire: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : johandark

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Humour


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