Some mysterious hunters appear!, what dark intentions they have?
Guildadventure16/10/2012 19:41:20
Guildadventure a dit:Some mysterious hunters appear!, what dark intentions they have? They have perverted faces... looks like pinky intentions .
TroyB16/10/2012 19:51:45
31 Auteur
TroyB a dit:Guildadventure a dit:Some mysterious hunters appear!, what dark intentions they have? They have perverted faces... looks like pinky intentions . pinky and brain? xD
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Some mysterious hunters appear!, what dark intentions they have?
Guildadventure 16/10/2012 19:41:20Guildadventure a dit:Some mysterious hunters appear!, what dark intentions they have? They have perverted faces... looks like pinky intentions
TroyB 16/10/2012 19:51:45Auteur
TroyB a dit:Guildadventure a dit:Some mysterious hunters appear!, what dark intentions they have? They have perverted faces... looks like pinky intentions
. pinky and brain? xD
Guildadventure 16/10/2012 20:08:16i second that notion
Re-al Boss 25/07/2013 04:34:44Auteur
what notion, having a plan? XD
Guildadventure 25/07/2013 09:52:40