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7 commentaires
johandark 34

hmm... problems... I can´t read xD

johandark 23/07/2011 19:18:12   
Ouroboros 28

johandark a dit:hmm... problems... I can´t read xD

the scary part is we don't need it

Lance remembered her name this time and they probbaly see a car or a bike

Ouroboros 23/07/2011 19:44:33   
johandark 34

... mm... Good point.

It was the only part where i did not know what was happening there... I thought it would be a monster or a wild animal... but you are write.. it seems more a motor...

it´s scary... yep...

johandark 23/07/2011 19:59:11   
Robot Panda 7

It's fixed now.

Robot Panda 25/07/2011 08:44:22   
johandark 34

thank you crack

johandark 25/07/2011 11:00:14   
Brandwein 1

i like this comic.
Lance and Megane kinda make me remember lina inverse and gourry from slayers. But Megane is kinda the opposite in power. And Lance is even more forgetful than gourry.
The dwarf is cool. I like dwarfs to beginn with, but he is very likable
Keep the good work up.

Brandwein 25/07/2011 15:22:58   
Cole 2

Well, considering there was a plane earlier, it very well could be some kind of vehicle/transport.
Hahaha her reaction at him saying her name...

Cole 05/09/2011 03:29:22   
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