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4 commentaires
johandark 34

hmm... Megane has an strange eye... for the rest.. is an incredible ilustration... and ... amazing Color...

(in my opinion probaly too many shiny things xD... but for the rest.. just great!)

johandark 29/06/2011 01:04:21   
circé 17

Wouaa, (^_-) DELIRANT

circé 29/06/2011 10:01:00   
Salagir 32

This is the cover of the Hémisphères first book ! (in french)
We sold it at the Japan Expo

Salagir 05/07/2011 09:13:51   
sharnalova 1

This is such an awesome book...If i could find it in my library i would totally buy it...Great Story along with Amilova

sharnalova 28/04/2013 18:49:07   
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