Auteur : Gogéta Jr, Asura00, Salagir
Équipe : fikiri, Tomoko, Robot Panda, TroyB
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre : Humour
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New page guys !
Salagir 25/09/2011 01:44:35Salagir a dit:New page guys !
XplosiX 25/09/2011 09:20:23Ya, but I can't see it yet :/
XplosiX a dit:Salagir a dit:New page guys !
TroyB 26/09/2011 09:41:31Ya, but I can't see it yet :/
Well, now you should see it
Ahaha this dwarf has no honor
TroyB 25/09/2011 10:21:41loooool funny page, funny dwarf ^.^
Esteryn 25/09/2011 17:09:20So in this world Dwarf woman have beards like the rest.
Ouroboros 25/09/2011 19:15:41Ouroboros a dit:So in this world Dwarf woman have beards like the rest.
johandark 25/09/2011 21:44:13In theory in all fantasy worlds, female dwarfs has berds like the rest... that´s because is more difficult find out a female dwarf... xD
johandark a dit:Ouroboros a dit:So in this world Dwarf woman have beards like the rest.
TroyB 26/09/2011 09:41:09In theory in all fantasy worlds, female dwarfs has berds like the rest... that´s because is more difficult find out a female dwarf... xD
In "theory" but it's Salagir's world... so it is ruled only by his imagination... expect the unexpected
New page online !
Salagir 28/09/2011 08:17:31I guess nobody's premium as you all wait 24 hours to comment /o_o\
Salagir a dit:New page online !
Esteryn 30/09/2011 17:23:28I guess nobody's premium as you all wait 24 hours to comment /o_o\ sorry, not yet :x but will be !
That's a good idea !
Salagir 01/10/2011 13:41:57