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5 commentaires
Ouroboros 28

Magian always the novice

Oh, and knight porn!

Ouroboros 28/08/2011 19:17:19   
Takumi 1

Yeah, always need an Erotic Knights Magazine with you ^^

Takumi 28/08/2011 19:54:50   
Esteryn 33

Takumi a dit:Yeah, always need an Erotic Knights Magazine with you ^^ lol, playboy knights for women, would never have thought about that ^.^ loved the little bit of jealousy from the dwarf !

Esteryn 30/08/2011 21:20:25   
Cole 2

Psh not bothering to learn basic spells. Shameful. And that's a strange line to say "I am not interested in what everyone can do!" Does she WANT to be a horrible magician? haha

Cole 05/09/2011 03:56:58   
Esteryn 33

Cole a dit:And that's a strange line to say "I am not interested in what everyone can do!" Does she WANT to be a horrible magician? haha She's a bit snobbish, saying she's above such basic things and better than everyone else.

Esteryn 09/09/2011 19:48:28   
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