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10197 vues
12 commentaires
Salagir 32

Hey, I've got a question!
If we published a comic book of Hemispheres, in colors and in English, on Amazon, who would buy it?

Salagir 21/09/2011 18:07:21   
XplosiX 2

Salagir a dit:Hey, I've got a question!
If we published a comic book of Hemispheres, in colors and in English, on Amazon, who would buy it?

I certaily would!
That's a great idea!

XplosiX 21/09/2011 21:52:09   
TroyB 41

XplosiX a dit:Salagir a dit:Hey, I've got a question!
If we published a comic book of Hemispheres, in colors and in English, on Amazon, who would buy it?

I certaily would!
That's a great idea!

You'll be Hero of the day when you do that .

TroyB 22/09/2011 08:07:32   
Celery 8

Salagir a dit:Hey, I've got a question!
If we published a comic book of Hemispheres, in colors and in English, on Amazon, who would buy it?

I´ve an account in amazon uk. I would buy it.

Celery 22/09/2011 09:32:34   
TroyB 41

Celery a dit:Salagir a dit:Hey, I've got a question!
If we published a comic book of Hemispheres, in colors and in English, on Amazon, who would buy it?

I´ve an account in amazon uk. I would buy it.

WooWoo thanks in advance for your support :chinese: :love:

TroyB 22/09/2011 18:40:57   
Esteryn 33

Salagir a dit:Hey, I've got a question!
If we published a comic book of Hemispheres, in colors and in English, on Amazon, who would buy it?
Didn't see this question, sorry, I'd rather buy it in French, if it's the language you originaly wrote it in. And i would like to buy it, yes (when my finances get better) ;-)

Esteryn 30/09/2011 17:25:20   
sharnalova 1

I would buy it My sister would buy it my mom would buy it my grandparents would buy it my other sister would buy it... MY FAMILY LOVE THIS BOOK

sharnalova 28/04/2013 19:11:55   
Salagir 32

We printed one in french and it got a cool success at Japan Expo.
Before we do one in english, we must be sure it'll sell: printing costs a lot !

Salagir 23/09/2011 10:11:31   
Viktor.L 1

cool ahahaha

Viktor.L 24/09/2011 16:25:54   
Ouroboros 28

Dwarf fishing don't bring your lines only your purses

Ouroboros 25/09/2011 01:08:39   
Harpedseal43 1

if i had money

Harpedseal43 23/10/2012 01:46:48   
Josh Dufresne 3

Where's Waldo? Err mineshaft lol

Josh Dufresne 21/11/2012 10:53:14   
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