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7 commentaires
Ouroboros 28

I think Gimli is just bored. No way 135 taverns can be the right answer that is each for 10 dwarves. Add dwarf families and even children helping out thee parents.

40 other jobs that require more men (or dwarves in this case)

what are taverns in this dwarf society lemonade boots?

Ouroboros 11/09/2011 16:45:19   
TroyB 41

Ouroboros a dit:I think Gimli is just bored. No way 135 taverns can be the right answer that is each for 10 dwarves.

You have to see the problem from a different angle .

Dwarves being greedy and seeking ways of doing business, 10% of them got the idea of opening a small tavern .
If all their families and friend come in THEIR tavern, it's averagely profitable .

TroyB 11/09/2011 19:03:22   
Salagir 32


Salagir 11/09/2011 23:18:58   
Esteryn 33

Love the way the knight carries Megane on the last image and her expression ^.^ 135 taverns, wonder if the locals ever had competitions like having a beer in each one in one single night. Mind you, that'd be way too much beer, even for dwarves.

Esteryn 12/09/2011 09:21:02   
TroyB 41

Esteryn a dit: Mind you, that'd be way too much beer, even for dwarves.

Don't underestimate Dwarves . Especially on the drinking field .

TroyB 13/09/2011 10:17:06   
Esteryn 33

TroyB a dit:Don't underestimate Dwarves . Especially on the drinking field .
Well I'd love to see Mindshaft after 135 beers, wonder if he'd be less grumpy and all peace and lovey ^.^

Esteryn 13/09/2011 12:06:09   
a3thethird 2

When Dwarves go out for a beer they get 1 or 2 bear each tavern

a3thethird 13/09/2011 17:51:02   
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