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15 commentaires
KenB 7

Calm down! says the one that's also screaming

KenB 10/08/2012 04:42:19   
YonYonYon 6

KenB a dit:Calm down! says the one that's also screaming He's quite hypocritical, yep

YonYonYon 10/08/2012 10:43:16   
Gaidex Viller 1

this a great story

Gaidex Viller 10/08/2012 06:45:59   
YonYonYon 6

Gaidex Viller a dit:this a great story Thanks!

YonYonYon 10/08/2012 10:41:22   
Sool 15

Gaidex Viller a dit:this a great story

I agree it's excellent ! And well drawn, you rock YonYonYon !

Sool 15/08/2012 09:13:35   
YonYonYon 6

Sool a dit:Gaidex Viller a dit:this a great story

I agree it's excellent ! And well drawn, you rock YonYonYon !
thank you!

YonYonYon 19/08/2012 15:35:42   
kirma 3


kirma 17/09/2012 15:19:40   
kirma 3

there so cute in the window #4 X3

kirma 29/09/2012 00:09:41   
KenB 7

you're right it looks like baby chicks saying FEED ME

KenB 29/09/2012 06:40:31   
YonYonYon 6

KenB a dit:you're right it looks like baby chicks saying FEED ME Oh wow... it's a really cute image

YonYonYon 05/10/2012 22:56:12   
typingty 2

YonYonYon a dit:KenB a dit:Calm down! says the one that's also screaming He's quite hypocritical, yep what the hell

typingty 16/03/2013 14:33:08   
MissLoki Laufeyson 5

this is funny!!!!

MissLoki Laufeyson 03/03/2013 23:16:24   
Jethrix 1


Jethrix 11/03/2013 13:09:29   
LadyAthena 1

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa CALM DOWN!! KKKKKKKK

LadyAthena 10/05/2014 21:12:17   
Chewys 31

JAjajaja, awesome!

Chewys 14/02/2017 17:25:24   
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The Heart of Earth

The Heart of Earth: couverture




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Version originale: English

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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