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5 commentaires
Tayuyya 2

noooooooooooo!! :O whyyy? im on the edge of my chear i need more.. more i say lol i really really reeeally need to know what happens next this is the best manga ive ever read in my whole life priettty plzz finnish ill give you all the money in the world just for one page in the manga you make the best manga ever

Tayuyya 08/02/2013 23:21:54   
nilanandita 3

lol, I'm so happy to find that you like this manga so much. Thank you so much
Do you really will give me all the money in the world just for one page? If yes, I'd be the happiest person on earth. ahahaha
After I'm done revising the rest of pages, I'll upload it as soon as possible stay tuned <3

nilanandita 11/02/2013 04:38:37   
Tayuyya 2

yayyy ^.^ and yes if i was the richest person in the wold lol i would pay you everything i had just for one page lol i cant wait to see what happens in the next chapter.. your the best person ever ^^

Tayuyya 11/02/2013 15:10:08   
nilanandita 3

I'm praying so that someday you'll be the richest person on earth. hehe..
by the way, I've uploaded the rest of pages. enjoy <3

nilanandita 15/02/2013 18:40:58   
Tayuyya 2

ahhh yay !! your the best lol and thx for the prayer and even if im not rich i will pay you my life savings ^^ haha

Tayuyya 16/02/2013 04:56:35   
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