Only cowards pick on the weak, Raditz "friends"have no right to talk about bravery
Traduire Ouroboros 21/09/2017 20:12:24why not have toma kicks him, yajirobe lets go of sword because the kick, the sword flies in air and it falls on/in yajirobe ass
Traduire venuu 22/09/2017 23:32:03That would be more akin to classic DB in the comedy department, but I think him being savage and shoving a sword up Yajirobe's ass is much more appropriate for a Saiyan's brutal, savage nature.
Traduire Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 27/09/2017 02:25:43I think shoving it up the ass would be more savage since you could make it hurt more by applying more force.
Traduire Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 28/09/2017 03:28:14Yeah, but if this had been how Toriyama had written the story, we'd already be into the Z part of the story (just a little earlier than he did it in the actual story), which was mostly of a serious nature with only rare humorous moments.
Traduire Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 01/10/2017 02:32:30i think this is still pre-z going by timelines. 2nd rare? sure less, but rare is not true, plus the boo saga is a lot again
Traduire venuu 01/10/2017 16:50:20Si lo haces aqui tienes un fiel lector!!comento poco pero cada dia miro si has sacado pagina jejejje
Traduire Xipito32 22/09/2017 12:57:30¿Conocer a los nativos? Para mi que es una forma muy enrevesada para decir que va a dejar híbridos por ahí.
Seguro Yajirobe se estaba comiendo un dinosaurio y ahora Toma va a aprovechar para darse un festín.
Auteur : mike du 62880
Équipe : Elramis, Ouv, BigFire, vincentlenga
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Mercredi, Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Kardia 16/10/2012 17:24:47Je parie que Shun va se faire étaler ^^
et comme d'habitude, qui viendra à la rescousse ?
Chiantos 17/10/2012 09:03:36Équipe
Désolé de spoiler, mais non.
vincentlenga 17/10/2012 10:28:04C'est le moment où Shun devient un homme(enfin, autant que possible) ?
Fan Von Einzbern 18/10/2012 16:32:59Shun est le plus puissant des chevaliers de bronze (ça a été dit a un moment dans le manga) c'est juste qu'il n'aime pas se battre et blesser ses adversaires, il se bride inconsciemment.
burricher 18/05/2013 23:10:16