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9818 vues
8 commentaires
johandark 34

I had to put a Dialog in this page because it could be seen. Let´s see if somebody is able to see where is the dialgo (it´s just a point...) xD

johandark 26/09/2011 18:10:20   
TroyB 41

johandark a dit:I had to put a Dialog in this page because it could be seen. Let´s see if somebody is able to see where is the dialgo :P (it´s just a point...) xD

Mwahaha you're toying with your readers now .

TroyB 29/09/2011 08:22:25   
johandark 34

TroyB a dit:johandark a dit:I had to put a Dialog in this page because it could be seen. Let´s see if somebody is able to see where is the dialgo (it´s just a point...) xD

Mwahaha you're toying with your readers now .

jajaja... but for me is even hard... I have to make a zoom to see the point or I´m not able to see it... even knowing where it is xD

johandark 29/09/2011 10:53:40   
Esteryn 33

Great amazing page ! love the glass effect

Esteryn 15/10/2011 23:21:43   
johandark 34

Esteryn a dit:Great amazing page ! love the glass effect

Thanks ^^ the problem is that is not so visible as I did with all the work.. But I needed a great flash light... and that´s the result xD

Thanks ^^

johandark 15/10/2011 23:52:54   
Esteryn 33

johandark a dit:the problem is that is not so visible as I did with all the work.. i think it is, it works, it's cool

Esteryn 15/10/2011 23:56:18   
evajung 2

Incredible motion effect!!!

evajung 12/10/2012 05:40:36   
johandark 34

evajung a dit:Incredible motion effect!!!


johandark 12/10/2012 11:01:51   
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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : johandark

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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