Wow you frightened the shit out of me, for a sec i thought you were about to make a kind leth > <"
You know the world is coming to an end when that happens.
i was wondering, do you happen to sell a prited version of leth hate or giselle?
No, I'm too poor/lazy/unmotivated to do such a thing.
why a penis on a stick.............?
We ARE dealing with Letholdus - Mr. Hate-it-all, fucken.
Auteur : Leth.hate
Équipe : TsukiC
Version originale: English
Type : Comics/BDs
Genre : Humour
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Wow you frightened the shit out of me, for a sec i thought you were about to make a kind leth > <"
alrickdrinkson 11/11/2012 14:25:55Auteur
You know the world is coming to an end when that happens.
Leth.hate 11/11/2012 15:10:58i was wondering, do you happen to sell a prited version of leth hate or giselle?
alrickdrinkson 11/11/2012 18:11:11Auteur
No, I'm too poor/lazy/unmotivated to do such a thing.
Leth.hate 12/11/2012 10:47:38why a penis on a stick.............?
JggRsNipR 28/04/2013 05:38:32We ARE dealing with Letholdus - Mr. Hate-it-all, fucken.
ToragaMM 03/08/2013 21:54:34