that`s a nice history!! ;P
babee a dit:that`s a nice history!! ;P Thanks!!
Robert Pattison finally dead I see xD
Piterko_tm a dit:Robert Pattison finally dead I see xD I wish so!!
Mariko a dit:Piterko_tm a dit:Robert Pattison finally dead I see xD I wish so!! LOL thanks Piterko_tm for noticing that, I didn't check this kind of details !!!
Piterko_tm a dit:Robert Pattison finally dead I see xD yeah! good riddance isn't it?
so that's how people trip in horror movies. I guess zombies can be smart when they want to be.
mcgrnwlf a dit:so that's how people trip in horror movies. I guess zombies can be smart when they want to be. Yes especially this zombie, here we have a smart and naughty zombie playing tricks
TroyB a dit:mcgrnwlf a dit:so that's how people trip in horror movies. I guess zombies can be smart when they want to be. Yes especially this zombie, here we have a smart and naughty zombie playing tricks aw man! that means that there's yet another new species of zombie!! the trickster zombie
Auteur : Mariko
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Jeudi
Type : manga
Genre : Humour
À partir de 0.99 € !En HD et sans DRM
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that`s a nice history!! ;P
babee 16/08/2011 09:04:56Auteur
babee a dit:that`s a nice history!! ;P
Mariko 18/08/2011 17:38:18Thanks!!
Robert Pattison finally dead I see xD
Piterko_tm 30/08/2011 14:47:56Auteur
Piterko_tm a dit:Robert Pattison finally dead I see xD
Mariko 30/08/2011 17:53:02I wish so!!
Mariko a dit:Piterko_tm a dit:Robert Pattison finally dead I see xD
TroyB 30/08/2011 18:40:43I wish so!!
LOL thanks Piterko_tm for noticing that, I didn't check this kind of details
Piterko_tm a dit:Robert Pattison finally dead I see xD
Mariko 25/10/2011 23:11:08yeah! good riddance isn't it?
so that's how people trip in horror movies.
mcgrnwlf 10/09/2011 20:53:33I guess zombies can be smart when they want to be.
mcgrnwlf a dit:so that's how people trip in horror movies.
TroyB 11/09/2011 18:54:38I guess zombies can be smart when they want to be.
Yes especially this zombie, here we have a smart and naughty zombie playing tricks
TroyB a dit:mcgrnwlf a dit:so that's how people trip in horror movies.
mcgrnwlf 11/09/2011 19:06:04I guess zombies can be smart when they want to be.
Yes especially this zombie, here we have a smart and naughty zombie playing tricks
aw man! that means that there's yet another new species of zombie!! the trickster zombie