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6 commentaires
TroyB 41

It's a bit sad Mariko that you didn't find any equivalent for this Jeanne Mas song .
I was actually wondering how you had translated that... sorry to say I'm a bit disappointed . I'm sure there's something to find...

TroyB 30/08/2011 18:42:17   
TroyB 41

Why not
"Survivor" by Destiny's Child ?
Would match a bit the depth of "En rouge et noir"... but a bit less fun... hem...

TroyB 30/08/2011 18:44:41   
TroyB 41

"Hit me baby one more time" ?
"Boys don't cry" ?


TroyB 30/08/2011 18:46:21   
Mariko 35

TroyB a dit:"Hit me baby one more time" ?
"Boys don't cry" ?


hmmmmm really the point is that Alumeur is supposed to love french variety only... but I could think of an equivalent if you want me to!

Mariko 25/10/2011 23:12:24   
TroyB 41

Mariko a dit:TroyB a dit:"Hit me baby one more time" ?
"Boys don't cry" ?


hmmmmm really the point is that Alumeur is supposed to love french variety only... but I could think of an equivalent if you want me to!

Then maybe you could search for the french songs that are famous outside of France ?
This way you would keep the integrity of your character + make it understandable .

No, "en rouge et noir" is not known .

In the end appart from "Champs Elysées" and "ça plane pour moi" I'm not sure there's a lot of famous songs... recently it's been "Alors on dance" "Femme like you" and "Façon sexe" all over bulgarian radio... but... honestly... :skeptical: :gentleman-pipe: :offensive-religion: :smoking:

TroyB 25/10/2011 23:53:46   
Rebecah Ozuna 1

Oh, look... it's Jim Morrison!!!

Lol, LOVE this comic/manga.

Rebecah Ozuna 24/08/2012 05:16:16   
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HELLSHLING: couverture




Auteur :

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Jeudi

Type : manga

Genre : Humour


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