1rst L1 = in France, the 1rst is the penultimate year before the baccalaureat, our first important exam.
"L" is for "littéraire" (literary). It is a type of baccalaureat where you work specifically on subjects like French, Philosophy or History.
And the last "1" after the L is simply the number of your class.
Average mark : In France, you are marked on 20. So, Alice is a very good student !
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Just for you to know :
Freakazoid 26/03/2013 10:26:031rst L1 = in France, the 1rst is the penultimate year before the baccalaureat, our first important exam.
"L" is for "littéraire" (literary). It is a type of baccalaureat where you work specifically on subjects like French, Philosophy or History.
And the last "1" after the L is simply the number of your class.
Average mark : In France, you are marked on 20. So, Alice is a very good student