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23 commentaires
TroyB 41

English version released 2 minutes after the french version... I hope you guys are happier and feel more considered now .

Héééhoooo dear english readers, don't be shy and please comment, that's the minimum support we're expecting from you :pimp:

TroyB 09/09/2011 10:10:02   
ceco1 6

hmm, wonder how many levels can she go :glasses:

ceco1 09/09/2011 10:32:41   
blade1992 1

ceco1 a dit:hmm, wonder how many levels can she go undefined 5, as in GTA :P

blade1992 09/09/2011 13:26:28   
TroyB 41

ceco1 a dit:hmm, wonder how many levels can she go :glasses:

Mwahaha there will be some answers to that soon :robot:

TroyB 09/09/2011 17:52:32   
Lgrxxl 3

finally, some action D:

Lgrxxl 09/09/2011 14:20:48   
TroyB 41

Lgrxxl a dit:finally, some action D:

I guarantee you a big dose of action Lgrxx :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

TroyB 09/09/2011 17:50:10   
Sandy 1

Great page, Raul is gonna be incinerated like a merguez lol !!!

Sandy 09/09/2011 15:16:08   
gui19900221 3

Well, personally, I had heard of fiery girls, but this is ridiculous!
In a good way, of course. I wonder, though: does Amilova want him rare or charred?

gui19900221 09/09/2011 17:37:30   
TroyB 41

gui19900221 a dit: I wonder, though: does Amilova want him rare or charred?

Smoked :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: !!!

TroyB 09/09/2011 17:49:36   

♪♫♪♫ I fell into a burning ring of fire ♪♫♪♫

♪♫♪♫ I went down down down and Amilova is flaming higher ♪♫♪♫

♪♫♪♫ And it burns burns burns ♪♫♪♫

♪♫♪♫ The chick is on fire, the chick is on fire ♪♫♪♫

MALEM 09/09/2011 22:02:17   
TroyB 41

MALEM a dit:♪♫♪♫ I fell into a burning ring of fire ♪♫♪♫

♪♫♪♫ I went down down down and Amilova is flaming higher ♪♫♪♫

♪♫♪♫ And it burns burns burns ♪♫♪♫

♪♫♪♫ The chick is on fire, the chick is on fire ♪♫♪♫

Ahah excellent reference Malem . I've listening to Johnny Cash in loop this summer... and you see the result in these pages :pimp:

TroyB 10/09/2011 12:00:06   
Hitsugaya 1

Cool AT LAST some cool super powers !!! I've expecting this moment since the first pages of Amilova !!! GG Gogeta !

Hitsugaya 10/09/2011 01:43:06   
wonderkid24 1

Finly some more pages I'd nearly given up on the comic. Now I can't waite to see how turns out XD

wonderkid24 10/09/2011 11:18:03   
TroyB 41

wonderkid24 a dit:Finly some more pages I'd nearly given up on the comic. Now I can't waite to see how turns out XD

Apologizes for the past lateness, from now on I garantee instant release between french and english versions .
So next page = monday :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:

TroyB 10/09/2011 12:01:39   
EpicMan 1

GG guys, that's getting cooler and cooler !

EpicMan 10/09/2011 12:33:43   
Eddie Nash 6

Don't you mean hotter and hotter? Hehehe

Eddie Nash 09/07/2014 02:40:33   
Xkai 1

Thx troy i hope it gets more intersting

Xkai 10/09/2011 15:49:07   
TroyB 41

Xkai a dit:Thx troy i hope it gets more intersting

We're working seriously on it . We want to make you super happy and excited about our comics... keep in touch .

TroyB 11/09/2011 18:58:52   
Makarov 1

Great, please please next pages !!!!

Makarov 11/09/2011 00:01:58   
GinIchimaru 1

BBQ Time LOL !!!

GinIchimaru 11/09/2011 11:18:17   
forbes 10

I miss time travel.

forbes 15/10/2012 18:09:47   
MicroWolf 2


MicroWolf 10/07/2013 23:35:19   
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 5

Ignorance is bliss.

~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 25/02/2015 10:11:55   
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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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