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17 commentaires
TroyB 41

And voilà !
New cool pages are coming, hope you'll like them !!!

More action and powers is coming... and surprises too .

TroyB 05/09/2011 11:23:09   
Xkai 1

nice pic so epic she started to control her powers so cool hope u keep up the good work

Xkai 05/09/2011 13:25:21   
TroyB 41

Xkai a dit:nice pic so epic she started to control her powers so cool hope u keep up the good work

Glad you like it .
Yeees powers AWAKENING !!! At last .

TroyB 05/09/2011 14:05:48   
Caine 2

Here comes, Super Amilova's Final Flash!

Caine 05/09/2011 19:06:40   
TroyB 41

Caine a dit:Here comes, Super Amilova's Final Flash!

Héhéhé that's true, there's some Vegeta's heritage there .

TroyB 06/09/2011 17:33:28   
EdwardElric 1

waw duuuude it's epic !!! Powers and cute girls !!!

EdwardElric 05/09/2011 22:48:11   
lifeshallend 1

wow this comics so great that i read the whole thing in 2 days thats how intersting it is

lifeshallend 06/09/2011 05:24:14   
TroyB 41

lifeshallend a dit:wow this comics so great that i read the whole thing in 2 days thats how intersting it is

Glad to know you like it, that's great . :pimp:

TroyB 06/09/2011 17:30:52   
Makarov 1

Mwahahahaha KILL HIM AMILOVA !!! It's time for justice !!!

Makarov 06/09/2011 07:38:16   

Raul is gonna get exploded !!! Yay at last !!!

DRAGONBALLZ 06/09/2011 16:57:35   
TroyB 41

Thank you guys for your support !!!
Tomorrow another great page is coming, I hope you'll like it too !!!

TroyB 06/09/2011 17:32:36   
floraz 1

Amilova controling her powers, the moment we've been waiting for so long !!!!

floraz 07/09/2011 02:01:01   
Son Kenshiro 1

floraz a dit:Amilova controling her powers, the moment we've been waiting for so long !!!![/quote
Yes! Finally!]

Son Kenshiro 02/08/2012 19:19:38   
Terminator 1

wow amazing illustrations dudes, there's improvement there I'm impressed, GG !

Terminator 07/09/2011 15:04:08   
Thegreatsaiyaman 3

INB4 flames of JUSTICE falsh.... that sounded cooler in my head

Thegreatsaiyaman 27/10/2011 03:45:10   
Laborde91 1

A DBZ Scouter . . . . . . . h m m m m m m m . . . . .

Laborde91 24/11/2011 04:59:37   
MicroWolf 2


MicroWolf 10/07/2013 23:33:33   
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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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