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26 commentaires
TroyB 41

There you go with a new funky page... with the 1st color made by Robot Panda .
What is Drawly doing meanwhile ? Hum... maybe we'll tell you next year... !

TroyB 19/12/2011 14:18:54   
johandark 34

AMAZING PAGE!! Drawly has get really amazing improvement in color!!! just a great Color PAGE!

johandark 19/12/2011 15:40:38   
Robot Panda 7

johandark a dit:AMAZING PAGE!! Drawly has get really amazing improvement in color!!! just a great Color PAGE!
Huehuehue, actually I'm taking over Amilova from now on. Drawly's busy with other things and it's not the time to reveal them. :pimp:

Robot Panda 19/12/2011 15:47:53   
johandark 34

Robot Panda a dit:johandark a dit:AMAZING PAGE!! Drawly has get really amazing improvement in color!!! just a great Color PAGE!
Huehuehue, actually I'm taking over Amilova from now on. Drawly's busy with other things and it's not the time to reveal them.

:S mm.. Sorry!! WEll in fact Drawly had increased a lot in his level of painting xD... But this page is just really good... Nice work Robot Panda!

TroyB: "What is Drawly doing meanwhile ? Hum... maybe we'll tell you next year..."

Hum... Will I have to wait a whole year for an answer?! or just 15 days? D

johandark 19/12/2011 16:11:46   
Robot Panda 7

johandark a dit:
:S mm.. Sorry!! WEll in fact Drawly had increased a lot in his level of painting xD... But this page is just really good... Nice work Robot Panda!

Drawly is a she. XD

Robot Panda 19/12/2011 16:35:27   
johandark 34

Robot Panda a dit:johandark a dit:
:S mm.. Sorry!! WEll in fact Drawly had increased a lot in his level of painting xD... But this page is just really good... Nice work Robot Panda!

Drawly is a she.

it was a mistake!! xDD. (and in fact she is really pretty!... more than you! xDD

johandark 19/12/2011 16:54:45   
Toh 7

johandark a dit:Robot Panda a dit:johandark a dit:
:S mm.. Sorry!! WEll in fact Drawly had increased a lot in his level of painting xD... But this page is just really good... Nice work Robot Panda!

Drawly is a she.

it was a mistake!! xDD. (and in fact she is really pretty!... more than you! xDD

You still keep on getting people's gender wrong xDDDD

Toh 19/12/2011 23:26:42   
johandark 34

Toh a dit:johandark a dit:Robot Panda a dit:johandark a dit:
:S mm.. Sorry!! WEll in fact Drawly had increased a lot in his level of painting xD... But this page is just really good... Nice work Robot Panda!

Drawly is a she.

it was a mistake!! xDD. (and in fact she is really pretty!... more than you! xDD

You still keep on getting people's gender wrong xDDDD


johandark 20/12/2011 01:14:36   
Mart 17

Toh a dit:johandark a dit:Robot Panda a dit:johandark a dit:
:S mm.. Sorry!! WEll in fact Drawly had increased a lot in his level of painting xD... But this page is just really good... Nice work Robot Panda!

Drawly is a she. undefined

it was a mistake!! xDD. (and in fact she is really pretty!... more than you! xDD

You still keep on getting people's gender wrong xDDDD

All hope is lost...

Mart 21/12/2011 19:03:17   
Drawly 11

johandark a dit:AMAZING PAGE!! Drawly has get really amazing improvement in color!!! just a great Color PAGE!

Tnx for the guess, tho it isn't my coloring :p I won't rest until I become an amazing artist so thank you for the support it is very important to me (hug) ^^

Drawly 19/12/2011 19:11:48   
johandark 34

Drawly a dit:johandark a dit:AMAZING PAGE!! Drawly has get really amazing improvement in color!!! just a great Color PAGE!

Tnx for the guess, tho it isn't my coloring :p I won't rest until I become an amazing artist so thank you for the support it is very important to me (hug) ^^

Not really.. You had improved a lot in this last two chapters... (probably for been painting so much Fire... xD). But I don´t know what does Robot Panda that gives to the page some kind of "life". (I suspect that it´s an old and simple truck... but really effective.. Like make shine effects and One color ramp really low to mantain color essencial...) But Drawly you had done a really great work. ... I´m wondering what are you doing right now... probably advancing Level 53?


johandark 19/12/2011 20:38:10   
Drawly 11

Not really.. You had improved a lot in this last two chapters... (probably for been painting so much Fire... xD). But I don´t know what does Robot Panda that gives to the page some kind of "life". (I suspect that it´s an old and simple truck... but really effective.. Like make shine effects and One color ramp really low to mantain color essencial...) But Drawly you had done a really great work. ... I´m wondering what are you doing right now... probably advancing Level 53?


Tnx But Level 53 is my own project and is not connected with my work tasks ...which I wont reveal ^^

Drawly 19/12/2011 23:08:38   
johandark 34

Drawly a dit: <span class="quote"> <em>

Not really.. You had improved a lot in this last two chapters... (probably for been painting so much Fire... xD). But I don´t know what does Robot Panda that gives to the page some kind of "life". (I suspect that it´s an old and simple truck... but really effective.. Like make shine effects and One color ramp really low to mantain color essencial...) But Drawly you had done a really great work. ... I´m wondering what are you doing right now... probably advancing Level 53?


Tnx But Level 53 is my own project and is not connected with my work tasks ...which I wont reveal ^^

hUMMM.... crap... YOu are making mme want to know what you are doing for amilova xD... thanks beauty ^^

johandark 19/12/2011 23:13:07   
Smiley 8

Excuse me!
I pressed HELP TRANSLATING OR CORECTING THIS PAGE! and i changed bubble 6 from THE THREE FIRST to THE FIRST THREE(this is the correct way) but it didn't change.What happened!?
Much love,great comic.

Smiley 20/12/2011 17:41:08   
TroyB 41

Smiley a dit:Excuse me!
I pressed HELP TRANSLATING OR CORECTING THIS PAGE! and i changed bubble 6 from THE THREE FIRST to THE FIRST THREE(this is the correct way) but it didn't change.What happened!?
Much love,great comic.

It's because it's there in the suggestions
People need to vote for the best suggestion, and once a version will have more points than mine, it will replace my version .

TroyB 20/12/2011 19:02:09   
BlazingBarrager 2

Looks like someone has gone "over the edge." drum beats

BlazingBarrager 21/12/2011 11:03:13   
Smiley 8

BlazingBarrager a dit:Looks like someone has gone "over the edge." drum beats BA DUM TS

Smiley 21/12/2011 14:24:20   
Mart 17

Smiley a dit:BlazingBarrager a dit:Looks like someone has gone "over the edge." drum beats BA DUM TS

Mart 21/12/2011 19:03:46   
TroyB 41

Mart a dit:Smiley a dit:BlazingBarrager a dit:Looks like someone has gone "over the edge." drum beats BA DUM TS

Wow you actually can put a realistic sound on it :-D

TroyB 22/12/2011 08:37:25   



MALEM 21/12/2011 19:48:51   
TroyB 41



Isn't Neo hitting on Morpheus ?

TroyB 22/12/2011 08:37:59   
Felix Ng 1

I was picking out the best translations and I noticed that you can see the newest updates ahead of time through the translations page even if you are not a premium member. You might want to fix that.

Felix Ng 22/12/2011 06:57:06   
TroyB 41

Felix Ng a dit:I was picking out the best translations and I noticed that you can see the newest updates ahead of time through the translations page even if you are not a premium member. You might want to fix that.

It's not a bug... it is made for people that want to help to be able to have some advance in the publication so the pages translated can be published all at the same time .
But yeah ok, when people are EVIL they can just read the spoilers without translating.
But nobody's doing that, right :gentleman-pipe: ?

TroyB 22/12/2011 08:36:51   
mcgrnwlf 8

nice matrix dodge there

mcgrnwlf 01/01/2012 02:22:54   
Josh Dufresne 3

more like she fell on her ass like neo, not trinity, lol.

Josh Dufresne 20/11/2012 13:58:32   

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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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