Auteur : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Équipe : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traduction par : tze
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Dimanche
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Hop, new page, and revelation of her name! AT LAST
TroyB 10/02/2012 17:19:29300more pages and we'll give you her family name
One question, where'd she get that badass scarf?
MangaLover2011 29/05/2013 20:44:28Yeah, and why are her hands glowing? Does she have Gambit's power?
Eddie Nash 09/07/2014 03:33:01I prefer Leila to Wilma ;P sorry Troy
Rosa Sekouri 11/02/2012 17:12:03Auteur
Rosa Sekouri a dit:I prefer Leila to Wilma ;P sorry Troy
. By the way, Kostas Ioannidis has translated a lot of Amilova in Greek, have you read it
TroyB 11/02/2012 21:20:17Héhéhé
Sweet jesus,that dude wanted to kill Ami!
Smiley 11/02/2012 20:35:26Son of a...
(btw,i have 100% visual memory ,that means i remember faces but not names
Smiley a dit:Sweet jesus,that dude wanted to kill Ami!
TroyB 11/02/2012 21:20:34Leila is here to fix that
No way... don't tell me... SHE KNOWS HOKUTO SHINKEN!?!?
Son Kenshiro 02/08/2012 19:55:03Auteur
Son Kenshiro a dit:No way... don't tell me... SHE KNOWS HOKUTO SHINKEN!?!?
TroyB 05/10/2012 09:51:14She does, she does
I need faster connection. dial-up cheap.
forbes 18/10/2012 22:42:54