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13747 vues
42 commentaires
Sool 15

I hope my translation in english is understandable, don't hesitate to correct me.
We all support you Gogeta Jr, hope you'll soon feel better !

Sool 13/02/2012 10:24:27   
TroyB 41

Sool a dit:I hope my translation in english is understandable, don't hesitate to correct me.
We all support you Gogeta Jr, hope you'll soon feel better !

Thanks for your support and your translation, Sool .

TroyB 13/02/2012 11:43:30   
Sool 15

TroyB a dit:Sool a dit:I hope my translation in english is understandable, don't hesitate to correct me.
We all support you Gogeta Jr, hope you'll soon feel better !

Thanks for your support and your translation, Sool .

You're welcome

Sool 13/02/2012 11:51:52   
TroyB 41

Sool a dit:TroyB a dit:Sool a dit:I hope my translation in english is understandable, don't hesitate to correct me.
We all support you Gogeta Jr, hope you'll soon feel better !

Thanks for your support and your translation, Sool .

You're welcome

Sweet .

TroyB 13/02/2012 12:08:24   
tikeya 1

Sool a dit:I hope my translation in english is understandable, don't hesitate to correct me.
We all support you Gogeta Jr, hope you'll soon feel better !
Sool a dit:I hope my translation in english is understandable, don't hesitate to correct me.
We all support you Gogeta Jr, hope you'll soon feel better !

tikeya 17/06/2012 15:16:04   
lauramma 3

I'm really sorry for what happenned
Well, I hope he gets better soon! -hugs-

lauramma 13/02/2012 15:03:55   
TroyB 41

lauramma a dit:I'm really sorry for what happenned
Well, I hope he gets better soon! -hugs-

We hope that too, thanks for your support Lauramma !

TroyB 14/02/2012 09:26:05   
Kuenchinu 1

hope you get better soon and take your time to get better.

Kuenchinu 14/02/2012 09:51:31   
Embergem 1

Get well soon!

Embergem 14/02/2012 11:47:26   
Dethbeast666 4

I hope Gogeta Jr gets better, The Herinated disc sounds really painful.

Dethbeast666 14/02/2012 14:24:11   
xamali 1

get better ^^

xamali 14/02/2012 15:36:25   
Lisa Manson 1

get well soon

Lisa Manson 14/02/2012 18:32:02   
TroyB 41

Thank you all for your comment, I guarantee you that Gogeta Jr is reading them and it's making him feel better !

TroyB 14/02/2012 18:35:25   
ZXkai 2

i hope he recovers soon i give him all my support gl guys

ZXkai 14/02/2012 18:54:28   
Ash 1

Take it easy, we can wait.

Ash 14/02/2012 22:09:28   
EmeraldWarrior 2

I hope you recover quickly, and with no pain. Take care, we can wait for your great work

EmeraldWarrior 15/02/2012 02:06:52   
johandark 34

I hope he gets better! He is just the best artist I ever met.

johandark 15/02/2012 09:03:47   
Lgrxxl 3


He, now seriously, hope he gets fine soon

Lgrxxl 15/02/2012 16:16:59   
TroyB 41

Thanks again for your support dear friends, Gogeta Jr is getting better, and I'm sure that reading that people are waiting for him to go better is really good in the healing process !

TroyB 16/02/2012 08:16:38   
Pein718 1

Get well soon, Gogeta Jr! You have the support of all of your loyal fans!

Pein718 16/02/2012 19:19:41   
BlazingBarrager 2

Wow. One person getting sick/injured after another. I hope I'm not jynxing the people of the internet with my presence. lol

Anyway, hope Gogeta Jr. gets well.

BlazingBarrager 17/02/2012 12:53:21   
petrusmagnus 1

Hope you get better soon.(I know how hurts problems on the back on first person )
Rest in ease,to come back on full BP!

petrusmagnus 17/02/2012 13:54:17   
dstrat 1

I hope you get better!

dstrat 18/02/2012 07:31:27   
coldasice 1

wow this was supprisingly good.

keep it up. get better ^^

coldasice 18/02/2012 11:09:21   
TroyB 41

coldasice a dit:wow this was supprisingly good.

keep it up. get better ^^

Gogeta Jr is reading it and appreciates, thanks

TroyB 18/02/2012 13:03:47   
Mr.Moon 1

story is interesting,get well soon.all the best

Mr.Moon 18/02/2012 17:45:28   
TroyB 41

Mr.Moon a dit:story is interesting,get well soon.all the best

Thanks for the support . Gogeta Jr is getting better .

TroyB 18/02/2012 18:02:40   
Mart 17

Get well soon dude! I wish you all the best!

Mart 18/02/2012 21:11:00   
Amaki 1

I hope your better and back on your feet in no time, stay strong everything will be ok

Amaki 19/02/2012 04:22:42   
Shada 1

Long time fan of this and DBM, get well soon.

Shada 22/02/2012 12:58:58   
DNight 1

Gogeta Jr-dono i truly hope you regain ur health i enjoy your work vary much

DNight 23/03/2012 00:50:19   
seronx 1

Get well

seronx 23/03/2012 04:50:23   
Ignatius Pitt 1

Get well soon Gogeta Jr. Your artwork and storyline are very enjoyable and I look forward to reading more.

Ignatius Pitt 24/03/2012 06:06:42   
forbes 10

best wishes
mon ami

expect your back by now
be well!

forbes 18/10/2012 23:01:51   
Nemali 2

J'aimerai vraiment lire la version originale personnellement!

Nemali 06/12/2012 08:09:25   
Nemali 2

Oh, j'oubliai!Bon rétablisement et prenexz soin de vous. Au plaisir de vous lire bientôt, j'attend impatiament la suite de Amilova et Hemispheres. Ce sont deux séries absolument magnifique, bon travail!

Nemali 06/12/2012 08:14:05   
sharnalova 1


sharnalova 28/04/2013 03:31:57   
nitisha 1

oh no i support you sir but all the same i am excited to know what happens next.

nitisha 24/09/2013 10:09:06   
angelcakes 1

i hope you feel better

angelcakes 31/03/2014 20:33:08   
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 5

I take it he has improved by now?

Was it a full recovery?

~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 25/02/2015 11:10:39   
Tviorr 1

Hope you feel better soon.

Tviorr 06/10/2018 15:16:49   

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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : Sool

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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