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9021 vues
13 commentaires
TroyB 41

More accurately, Amilova should be back with new pages this friday . Thanks for your support, understanding and your patience .

TroyB 22/02/2012 17:10:04   
lauramma 3

Well I'm very glad you're getting better :hug:
Looking forward for more Amilova and Hemisphere pages, then!

lauramma 22/02/2012 20:21:08   
TroyB 41

lauramma a dit:Well I'm very glad you're getting better :hug:
Looking forward for more Amilova and Hemisphere pages, then!

Yes I'm glad too ! That's super good news !

TroyB 23/02/2012 11:44:09   
johandark 34

Yeah it is a super great new! I hope soon we can all enjoy his comics again!

johandark 23/02/2012 17:55:12   
Xanditz 1

Awesome! I'm glad he'll be back! =)

Xanditz 23/02/2012 22:40:02   
Amaki 1

Keep it up man, we all love your stuff. Hopefully your back to normal shortly.

Amaki 24/02/2012 00:51:27   
BlazingBarrager 2

Glad to hear your health is improving Gogeta. Guess I didn't need to send Ghost Nappa to visit you then huh?

BlazingBarrager 24/02/2012 12:23:46   
Ash 1

very glad to hear it.

Ash 24/02/2012 12:53:55   
ZXkai 2

welcome back Gogeta u rocks man good luck with fast healing :P

ZXkai 24/02/2012 19:35:34   
EmeraldWarrior 2

So glad to hear you're doing better! Hope you make a full recover soon

EmeraldWarrior 26/02/2012 17:16:26   
babee 15

Ok we will wait!!

babee 20/03/2012 18:28:57   
demonwonders 1

Nuuuu, I want to keep reading it. Really loving it so far.

demonwonders 04/04/2012 02:12:33   
TroyB 41

demonwonders a dit:Nuuuu, I want to keep reading it. Really loving it so far.

Glad you like it . It's just the beginning . Continue leaving comment if you continue to like it .

TroyB 04/04/2012 08:51:41   

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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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