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9218 vues
11 commentaires
TroyB 41

New page we're back !!!
There's a reference to a movie in this page, will you find it ?
Oh and notice that it's not the right version of the color... Robot Panda did another version that you can see on the french publication .
But maybe you prefer this one ?
Looking forward to read your reactions .

TroyB 24/02/2012 17:33:53   
johandark 34

I´m glad that the amilova continue!

In my opinion is better the cold and darkness of the french version.

johandark 24/02/2012 18:14:15   
TroyB 41

johandark a dit:I´m glad that the amilova continue!

In my opinion is better the cold and darkness of the french version.

Yes I think that the purple colors fit more, too .

TroyB 25/02/2012 11:02:33   
EmeraldWarrior 2

Yeah, the french version looks amazing!

EmeraldWarrior 26/02/2012 17:30:56   
petrusmagnus 1

Late,but,finally caught up translating.(I know I´m lazy... ).
Waiting for a kind soul translate to english the next page

petrusmagnus 27/02/2012 18:03:34   
ZXkai 2

nice page but how can i see the colors if im not a member?

ZXkai 28/02/2012 16:22:22   
johandark 34

ZXkai a dit:nice page but how can i see the colors if im not a member?

Paying to be a Premium Member.

Or by another way... Just being a great translator and helper of Amilova to gain Gold. (but i´ts much harder and it takes its time). So you decide. Pay, Help, see it in B&W or just don´t see it... xD

It´s a way to make people help us in some way and don´t give "everything" so easy. ^^

johandark 28/02/2012 16:41:27   
ZXkai 2

johandark a dit:ZXkai a dit:nice page but how can i see the colors if im not a member?

Paying to be a Premium Member.

Or by another way... Just being a great translator and helper of Amilova to gain Gold. (but i´ts much harder and it takes its time). So you decide. Pay, Help, see it in B&W or just don´t see it... xD

It´s a way to make people help us in some way and don´t give "everything" so easy. ^^
u dont understand im not a member but i can see this page in color

ZXkai 28/02/2012 16:43:03   
johandark 34

ZXkai a dit:johandark a dit:ZXkai a dit:nice page but how can i see the colors if im not a member?

Paying to be a Premium Member.

Or by another way... Just being a great translator and helper of Amilova to gain Gold. (but i´ts much harder and it takes its time). So you decide. Pay, Help, see it in B&W or just don´t see it... xD

It´s a way to make people help us in some way and don´t give "everything" so easy. ^^
u dont understand im not a member but i can see this page in color

ahumm.. jajja That´s because then.. there´s only one version.. and there´s no black and White Version. So everybody is seeing the color version now. That´s why ^^

johandark 28/02/2012 16:55:14   
ZXkai 2

johandark a dit:ZXkai a dit:johandark a dit:ZXkai a dit:nice page but how can i see the colors if im not a member?

Paying to be a Premium Member.

Or by another way... Just being a great translator and helper of Amilova to gain Gold. (but i´ts much harder and it takes its time). So you decide. Pay, Help, see it in B&W or just don´t see it... xD

It´s a way to make people help us in some way and don´t give "everything" so easy. ^^
u dont understand im not a member but i can see this page in color

ahumm.. jajja That´s because then.. there´s only one version.. and there´s no black and White Version. So everybody is seeing the color version now. That´s why ^^
okai thx

ZXkai 28/02/2012 16:58:06   
forbes 10

I can only the top panel in French.
It makes this the better.

forbes 20/10/2012 00:22:54   
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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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