Auteur : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Équipe : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traduction par : tze
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Dimanche
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Thanks for the translation Adamantine
TroyB 02/04/2012 11:48:21Dear Amilova readers, know that from now on, we will publish 5 pages a week! 1 page per day !
We hope that you'll enjoy the new concept
Adamantine, I made small corrections to your last balloon
TroyB 02/04/2012 11:49:16Équipe
TroyB a dit:Adamantine, I made small corrections to your last balloon
Adamantine 02/04/2012 16:31:50Feel free to, I was a bit in a hurry this morning when I did this as I had an appointment, but I didn't want to disappoint the readers :p.
And Amilova wakesup in the exact instant that she needs help
Lgrxxl 02/04/2012 17:13:51the power of plot.
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 25/02/2015 11:23:37