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19 commentaires
ZXkai 2

damn it how im going to read these pages for premium?

ZXkai 10/04/2012 14:09:33   
TroyB 41

ZXkai a dit:damn it how im going to read these pages for premium?

You either wait a little bit, or become premium . Easy choices .

TroyB 10/04/2012 16:31:47   
coldasice 1

patience is golden?

coldasice 10/04/2012 17:39:13   
Kor the Legendary Kami 2

I think the hooded figure is Amilova's father. What do u peoples think? It is the most logical explanation to why the have him hooded in my opinion.

Kor the Legendary Kami 11/04/2012 16:41:39   
Ouroboros 28

just like a American super hero comic people refuse to stay dead. ^^'

Ouroboros 11/04/2012 17:34:16   
Kor the Legendary Kami 2

Ouroboros a dit:just like a American super hero comic people refuse to stay dead. ^^'

Indeed, he's the Goku of this series I think except he isn't the main character. What I wanna know tho is what he is doing hanging out with the man that killed him. Any thoughts on that?

Kor the Legendary Kami 11/04/2012 20:18:18   
Ouroboros 28

Cummon enemy most likely. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer kind of thing to.

Ouroboros 11/04/2012 21:52:31   
Robot Panda 7

Ouroboros a dit:just like a American super hero comic people refuse to stay dead. ^^'
Until the goons finally hire a sniper to shoot Captain America in the head...

Robot Panda 12/04/2012 08:22:40   
Ouroboros 28

Robot Panda a dit:Ouroboros a dit:just like a American super hero comic people refuse to stay dead. ^^' Until the goons finally hire a sniper to shoot Captain America in the head...
Cap is as long past back

Ouroboros 12/04/2012 14:54:04   
TroyB 41

Ouroboros a dit:Robot Panda a dit:Ouroboros a dit:just like a American super hero comic people refuse to stay dead. ^^' Until the goons finally hire a sniper to shoot Captain America in the head...
Cap is as long past back

I feel like a Troll has been thrown into the conversation

TroyB 12/04/2012 19:01:30   
Kor the Legendary Kami 2

TroyB a dit:Ouroboros a dit:Robot Panda a dit:Ouroboros a dit:just like a American super hero comic people refuse to stay dead. ^^' Until the goons finally hire a sniper to shoot Captain America in the head... Cap is as long past back I feel like a Troll has been thrown into the conversation

And who would that Troll be? Me? Ouroboros? Sool?

Kor the Legendary Kami 13/04/2012 02:36:26   
TroyB 41

Kor the Legendary Kami a dit:TroyB a dit:Ouroboros a dit:Robot Panda a dit:Ouroboros a dit:just like a American super hero comic people refuse to stay dead. ^^' Until the goons finally hire a sniper to shoot Captain America in the head... Cap is as long past back I feel like a Troll has been thrown into the conversation

And who would that Troll be? Me? Ouroboros? Sool?
A fusion Troll ?
I'm ok with Trolls don't worry .

TroyB 13/04/2012 08:09:56   
Kor the Legendary Kami 2

TroyB a dit:Kor the Legendary Kami a dit:TroyB a dit:Ouroboros a dit:Robot Panda a dit:Ouroboros a dit:just like a American super hero comic people refuse to stay dead. ^^' Until the goons finally hire a sniper to shoot Captain America in the head... Cap is as long past back I feel like a Troll has been thrown into the conversation

And who would that Troll be? Me? Ouroboros? Sool?
A fusion Troll ?
I'm ok with Trolls don't worry .

I'm actually not a Troll; I just come off very Troll-ish frequently cuz I guess my posting style is very much like that of a Troll. Heck all new acquaintances and friends usually think I'm one in the beginning especially on Gaiaonline due to how I PM/Thread RP as my Main RP character, Kor.

Kor: "It's true ya know."

K.D.S: "See what I mean." XD

Kor the Legendary Kami 19/07/2012 02:47:24   
Sool 15

Ouroboros a dit:just like a American super hero comic people refuse to stay dead. ^^'

Or maybe the authors are playing some trick on us to make us crazy

Sool 12/04/2012 13:57:33   
DrugOn 11

Assassin's style never gets old

DrugOn 12/04/2012 21:55:14   
TroyB 41

DrugOn a dit:Assassin's style never gets old

Héhéhé true, totally true. Gets even better in time .

TroyB 12/04/2012 22:46:42   
Eddie Nash 6

Wait. Don't tell me Raul is a templar?

Eddie Nash 09/07/2014 03:51:30   
Josh Dufresne 3

looks like ami's dad, bracelets

Josh Dufresne 20/11/2012 15:05:39   
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 5

is that Ezio or Altair?

~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 25/02/2015 11:29:09   
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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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