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15 commentaires
Dethbeast666 4

I'm suspecting that's Amilova's father

Dethbeast666 12/04/2012 09:26:03   
Sool 15

Dethbeast666 a dit:I'm suspecting that's Amilova's father
Me too but since he died brutally 100pages ago... don't know what to think

Sool 12/04/2012 13:56:07   
Dethbeast666 4

Sool a dit:Dethbeast666 a dit:I'm suspecting that's Amilova's father
Me too but since he died brutally 100pages ago... don't know what to think

I think it's a forged death, notice the same chin and arm band.

Dethbeast666 12/04/2012 14:48:06   
TroyB 41

Dethbeast666 a dit:Sool a dit:Dethbeast666 a dit:I'm suspecting that's Amilova's father
Me too but since he died brutally 100pages ago... don't know what to think

I think it's a forged death, notice the same chin and arm band.

"Forged Death" nice expression, I didn't know, thanks for that !

TroyB 12/04/2012 18:10:13   
Kor the Legendary Kami 2

TroyB a dit:Dethbeast666 a dit:Sool a dit:Dethbeast666 a dit:I'm suspecting that's Amilova's father Me too but since he died brutally 100pages ago... don't know what to think I think it's a forged death, notice the same chin and arm band. "Forged Death" nice expression, I didn't know, thanks for that !

How could u not know he is Amilova's Father? Or were u talking about the "Forged Death"?

In my opinion, I think he was brought back to life by someone or maybe by the Eternal Dragon or something like that.

Kor the Legendary Kami 13/04/2012 02:59:30   
Eddie Nash 6

Or he has a healing factor or something! The question is why didn't he contact his family all theses years?

Eddie Nash 09/07/2014 03:54:07   
Smiley 8

Me too...

Smiley 12/04/2012 12:55:14   
EmeraldWarrior 2

So gotta be her father! And, I've got a question....why are some of the old pages, now restricted to premimum members??

EmeraldWarrior 13/04/2012 04:41:03   
TroyB 41

EmeraldWarrior a dit:So gotta be her father! And, I've got a question....why are some of the old pages, now restricted to premimum members?? It changed again

TroyB 05/10/2012 09:41:40   
KenB 7

While its for the most part agreed that the man in the hood is Amilova's father; why then is he with the guy who supposedly killed him. this does reinforce the reason why Amilova has been "watched"

KenB 13/04/2012 07:10:26   
TroyB 41

KenB a dit:why then is he with the guy who supposedly killed him

Yes, why ? I'm not going to give you answers very soon... but one day, you'll have them

TroyB 13/04/2012 08:19:17   
KenB 7

Will this 'father' figure just watch, or become ally or villain? and what about Amilova's revenge on Bardaff? I cant wait for more to come out. Great story

KenB 13/04/2012 07:16:14   
Scott Knight 1

thts her dad

Scott Knight 16/11/2012 03:43:43   
Josh Dufresne 3

def her dad

Josh Dufresne 20/11/2012 15:06:28   
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 5

Nvm so that guy is Kurt I assume. Her father.

Or someone who adopted his philosophy.

~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 25/02/2015 11:30:10   
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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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