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12854 vues
18 commentaires
Smiley 8


Smiley 13/04/2012 13:11:19   
TroyB 41

Smiley a dit:IT'S HER FATHER ! Is it ?

TroyB 05/10/2012 09:41:52   
Kostas Ioannidis 1

What a twist!!

Kostas Ioannidis 13/04/2012 14:10:54   
ZXkai 2

yup he is not died

ZXkai 13/04/2012 16:35:22   
lig47 8

And now we have to pay to see the rest of the history T-T (my parents will never let me pay...)

lig47 18/10/2012 00:29:31   
Josh Dufresne 3

if the bracelets a few pages back wasnt enoughm nor the yinyang on the cloak, now the star on the cheek...

Josh Dufresne 20/11/2012 15:08:15   
Stitch-my-smile 1

you have to pay for the rest =.= thats low...

Stitch-my-smile 20/01/2013 19:45:30   
lig47 8

I was thinking the same .-.

lig47 21/01/2013 13:53:43   
Eddie Nash 6

Me too...

Eddie Nash 10/07/2014 00:23:09   
tayson95 1

Hmm it seems we have to pay to keep reading. That sucks...

tayson95 04/02/2013 03:00:27   
Minar 1

well thank you for what you allowed me to read I guess I'm done reading I wish you luck with your developing story

Minar 15/03/2013 04:13:20   
KenB 7

Does anyone know why some pages have regressed to premium?

KenB 28/03/2013 04:48:05   
Misa_hai 1

That sucks,I want to read the rest...
I will not read anything from this site because I will not be able to read It to end.
There's nowhere a site where I can read Amilova without paying?

Misa_hai 31/05/2013 16:24:43   
MicroWolf 2


MicroWolf 11/07/2013 00:48:49   
Lena_Whelman 1

I really think Amilova should make at least this comic free since it's there main comic.

Lena_Whelman 12/08/2013 10:40:50   
Tala Kahle 1

love the yin yang in the back round!!!!

Tala Kahle 19/09/2013 23:01:07   
iluvpugz 1


iluvpugz 10/01/2015 17:58:46   
TDBanimefan 5

This manga is amazing the reason I am going to subscribe. Gogeta Jr. if you ever reading this, I admire your work in DBM and I heard you got hurt, I hope your okay now. I hope you continue to make manga/comics and I look forward to your work!

TDBanimefan 24/08/2015 00:08:04   

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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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