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10537 vues
11 commentaires
TroyB 41

It's always a pleasure to translate this kind of pages !!!

I hope you'll enjoy the suspens héhéhé !

TroyB 07/10/2011 14:03:19   
petrusmagnus 1

Oh man,there was such a heavy ammount of text!I´m nearly fainting. :p
Jokes apart,nice work.
I don´t draw,but I can see the effort you all have put on these special moves pages(really detailed drawing).Gz!

petrusmagnus 07/10/2011 17:55:01   
TroyB 41

petrusmagnus a dit:Oh man,there was such a heavy ammount of text!I´m nearly fainting.

petrusmagnus a dit:
I don´t draw,but I can see the effort you all have put on these special moves pages(really detailed drawing).Gz!

Thanks for the positive feedback . Yes it's been a lot of efforts... but the result is satisfying

TroyB 08/10/2011 17:19:05   
gui19900221 3

Well, from the amount of fire in front of him, I'd say that Raul will end up charred, instead of smoked like I've been told. But he doesn't seem too worried - that may mean he still has a trick or two up his sleeve. But I don't know.

gui19900221 10/10/2011 15:53:53   
TroyB 41

gui19900221 a dit:Well, from the amount of fire in front of him, I'd say that Raul will end up charred, instead of smoked like I've been told. But he doesn't seem too worried - that may mean he still has a trick or two up his sleeve. But I don't know.

Ahahaha . New page released today, you'll have your answer

TroyB 10/10/2011 16:14:02   
NanaJ 16

My god this page is aaaaaaawesome!
Every single frame is great. The coloring is so good!
I think the frames will looke even cooler on black background!

NanaJ 02/01/2012 23:20:48   
TroyB 41

NanaJ a dit:My god this page is aaaaaaawesome!undefined
Every single frame is great. The coloring is so good!
I think the frames will looke even cooler on black background!

Thanks for showing that much appreciation NanaJ .

TroyB 05/01/2012 09:50:57   
NanaJ 16

TroyB a dit:NanaJ a dit:My god this page is aaaaaaawesome!undefined
Every single frame is great. The coloring is so good!
I think the frames will looke even cooler on black background!

Thanks for showing that much appreciation NanaJ .

NanaJ 05/01/2012 17:15:09   
forbes 10

it's like reading 'Conrad' all the time jumps.
Raul must have fireproof undies

forbes 16/10/2012 00:05:44   
Scott Knight 1

a Phoenix

Scott Knight 11/11/2012 05:52:57   
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 5

"Just as planned."

~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 25/02/2015 10:27:23   

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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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