Auteur : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Équipe : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traduction par : MALEM
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Dimanche
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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And as Fladnag said in the French section, AmiloMAD is back again ! Very nice nickname for such a rape face like hers !
MALEM 24/11/2011 22:40:28Auteur
MALEM a dit:And as Fladnag said in the French section, AmiloMAD is back again ! Very nice nickname for such a rape face like hers !
TroyB 02/12/2011 14:08:53AmiloMAD :-D Good one
Well, Raul keeps displaying his remarkable agility, but no matter how quickly he jumps, I don't think he can fly. If one of those fireballs hits him in the middle of a jump, I'd bet he's going to be in trouble.
gui19900221 27/11/2011 12:57:20Auteur
gui19900221 a dit:Well, Raul keeps displaying his remarkable agility, but no matter how quickly he jumps, I don't think he can fly. If one of those fireballs hits him in the middle of a jump, I'd bet he's going to be in trouble.

TroyB 02/12/2011 14:03:48Yes apparently Raul is just a simple human... poqwerfull, agile... still just a human... but who knows...
great action page
forbes 16/10/2012 22:24:42how is that building not on fire yet lol
Minar 15/03/2013 02:08:40