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23 commentaires
TroyB 41

Ok today I'm on time . Ok this one was very easy :-D.
Tadaaaaan she's back !
Ok she was fighting with Raul on the cover of this chapter, so it's logical to see her back .
Next page you'll know her name... can you guess ?

TroyB 08/02/2012 10:10:51   
Sool 15

TroyB a dit:Next page you'll know her name... can you guess ?


Sool 08/02/2012 14:01:01   
anitasmith 1

cool killer chick who just saved amilove's ass?

anitasmith 10/08/2013 16:35:07   
Eddie Nash 6

She really looks like a ninja!

Eddie Nash 09/07/2014 03:31:04   
petrusmagnus 1

I´m really bad at names,but,the fork told everithing...
It must be Genoveva!

petrusmagnus 08/02/2012 16:08:47   
petrusmagnus 1

By the way,another really-hard-to-translate-page

petrusmagnus 08/02/2012 16:10:43   
TroyB 41

petrusmagnus a dit:By the way,another really-hard-to-translate-page

Yes on this one I was really close to shakespeare with my english

TroyB 09/02/2012 09:11:53   
TroyB 41

Genoveva ? Wow, where did you get this one ?

TroyB 09/02/2012 09:12:15   
ZXkai 2

good pic but i think she wasn't wearing a scarf

ZXkai 09/02/2012 13:48:19   
TroyB 41

ZXkai a dit:good pic but i think she wasn't wearing a scarf

Little improvement on her equipment . it's cold outside .

TroyB 09/02/2012 16:18:20   
ceco1 6

and here comes the princess on a white/metal horse to ... save the other princess

ceco1 09/02/2012 15:24:44   
Rosa Sekouri 2

nice come back

Rosa Sekouri 09/02/2012 15:53:12   
Lgrxxl 3

i expected it

Lgrxxl 09/02/2012 15:57:14   
Smiley 8

Her name is Wilma lol.
I will send her to make me a sandwich once this chapter is over.

Smiley 09/02/2012 17:54:05   
TroyB 41

Smiley a dit:Her name is Wilma lol.
I will send her to make me a sandwich once this chapter is over.

Wilma ? That's... original .

TroyB 10/02/2012 17:12:18   
petrusmagnus 1

It´s a italian name,just came on my mind
fork => italian => genoveva
anyway,it was just to joke,
I would fall from the chair if this was the name

petrusmagnus 09/02/2012 18:29:24   
TroyB 41

petrusmagnus a dit:It´s a italian name,just came on my mind
fork => italian => genoveva

Ok that's a cool explanation :-D;

TroyB 10/02/2012 17:12:48   
felixng2011 1

Did she just steal their helicopter?

felixng2011 10/02/2012 16:42:27   
TroyB 41

felixng2011 a dit:Did she just steal their helicopter?

Looks like it yes .

TroyB 10/02/2012 17:11:55   
Magnic 1

Just like i said on last page. Mom is back!

Magnic 10/02/2012 17:03:26   
mcgrnwlf 8

nice entrance, very kaiba like
but you gotta wonder where she got that

mcgrnwlf 21/02/2012 04:41:22   
Mesfyel 1

Agreed...the Kaiba-copter to the rescue!

Mesfyel 04/03/2012 19:31:14   
Windstorm 1

Mr. Piccolo!

Windstorm 08/04/2015 17:44:53   

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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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